API Reference

The following section outlines the API of :clashroyale: and how to access the Official API and the unofficial RoyaleAPI.


class clashroyale.official_api.Client(token, session=None, is_async=False, **options)[source]

A client that requests data from api.clashroyale.com. This class can either be async or non async.

  • token (str) – The api authorization token to be used for requests. https://developer.clashroyale.com/
  • is_async (Optional[bool] = False) – Toggle for asynchronous/synchronous usage of the client
  • error_debug (Optional[bool] = False) – Toggle for every method to raise ServerError to test error handling.
  • session (Optional[Session] = None) – The http (client)session to be used for requests. Can either be a requests.Session or aiohttp.ClientSession.
  • timeout (Optional[int] = 10) – A timeout for requests to the API
  • url (Optional[str] = ‘https://api.clashroyale.com/v1’) – A url to use instead of api.clashroyale.com/v1 Only use this if you know what you are doing.
  • cache_fp (Optional[str] = None) – File path for the sqlite3 database to use for caching requests, if this parameter is provided, the client will use its caching system
  • cache_expires (Optional[int] = 10) – The number of seconds to wait before the client will request from the api for a specific route
  • table_name (Optional[str] = 'cache') – The table name to use for the cache database.
  • camel_case (Optional[bool] = False) – Whether or not to access model data keys in snake_case or camelCase, this defaults to use snake_case
  • constants (Optional[dict] = None) – Constants to use instead of the ones updated when the package is re-installed. To extract a dict from a BaseAttrDict, do BaseAttrDict.to_dict()
  • user_agent (Optional[str] = None) – Appends to the default user-agent
classmethod Async(token, session=None, **options)[source]

Returns the client in async mode.

get_all_cards(timeout: int = None)[source]

Get a list of all the cards in the game

Parameters:timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_all_locations(timeout: int = None)[source]

Get a list of all locations

Parameters:timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_arena_image(obj: clashroyale.official_api.models.BaseAttrDict)[source]

Get the arena image URL

get_card_info(card_name: str)[source]

Returns card info from constants

  • card_name (str) – A card name
  • None or Constants (Returns) –
get_clan(tag: clashroyale.official_api.utils.crtag, timeout: int = None)[source]

Get inforamtion about a clan

  • tag (str) – A valid tournament tag. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_clan_image(obj: clashroyale.official_api.models.BaseAttrDict)[source]

Get the clan badge image URL

  • obj (official_api.models.BaseAttrDict) – An object that has the clan badge ID either in .clan.badge_id or .badge_id Can be a clan or a profile for example.
  • str (Returns) –
get_clan_members(tag: clashroyale.official_api.utils.crtag, **params)[source]

Get the clan’s members

  • tag (str) – A valid tournament tag. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • **limit (Optional[int] = None) – Limit the number of items returned in the response
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_clan_war(tag: clashroyale.official_api.utils.crtag, timeout: int = None)[source]

Get inforamtion about a clan’s current clan war

  • tag (str) – A valid tournament tag. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_clan_war_log(tag: clashroyale.official_api.utils.crtag, **params)[source]

Get a clan’s war log

  • tag (str) – A valid tournament tag. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • **limit (Optional[int] = None) – Limit the number of items returned in the response
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_datetime(timestamp: str, unix=True)[source]

Converts a %Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%fZ to a UNIX timestamp or a datetime.datetime object

  • timestamp (str) – A timstamp in the %Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%fZ format, usually returned by the API in the created_time field for example (eg. 20180718T145906.000Z)
  • unix (Optional[bool] = True) – Whether to return a POSIX timestamp (seconds since epoch) or not
  • int or datetime.datetime (Returns) –

Form a deck link

get_location(location_id: int, timeout: int = None)[source]

Get a location information

get_player(tag: clashroyale.official_api.utils.crtag, timeout=None)[source]

Get information about a player

  • tag (str) – A valid tournament tag. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_player_battles(tag: clashroyale.official_api.utils.crtag, **params)[source]

Get a player’s battle log

  • tag (str) – A valid tournament tag. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • **limit (Optional[int] = None) – Limit the number of items returned in the response
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_player_chests(tag: clashroyale.official_api.utils.crtag, timeout: int = None)[source]

Get information about a player’s chest cycle

  • tag (str) – A valid tournament tag. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_player_verify(tag: clashroyale.official_api.utils.crtag, apikey: str, timeout=None)[source]

Check the API Key of a player. This endpoint has been restricted to certain members of the community

Raises BadRequest if the apikey is invalid

  • tag (str) – A valid tournament tag. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • apikey (str) – The API Key in the player’s settings
  • timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_rarity_info(rarity: str)[source]

Returns card info from constants

  • rarity (str) – A rarity name
  • None or Constants (Returns) –
get_top_clans(location_id='global', **params)[source]

Get a list of top clans by trophy

  • location_id (Optional[str] = 'global') – A location ID or global See https://github.com/RoyaleAPI/cr-api-data/blob/master/json/regions.json for a list of acceptable location IDs
  • **limit (Optional[int] = None) – Limit the number of items returned in the response
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_top_clanwar_clans(location_id='global', **params)[source]

Get a list of top clan war clans

  • location_id (Optional[str] = 'global') – A location ID or global See https://github.com/RoyaleAPI/cr-api-data/blob/master/json/regions.json for a list of acceptable location IDs
  • **limit (Optional[int] = None) – Limit the number of items returned in the response
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_top_players(location_id='global', **params)[source]

Get a list of top players

  • location_id (Optional[str] = 'global') – A location ID or global See https://github.com/RoyaleAPI/cr-api-data/blob/master/json/regions.json for a list of acceptable location IDs
  • **limit (Optional[int] = None) – Limit the number of items returned in the response
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_tournament(tag: clashroyale.official_api.utils.crtag, timeout=0)[source]

Get a tournament information

  • tag (str) – A valid tournament tag. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout

Search for a clan. At least one of the filters must be present

  • name (Optional[str]) – The name of a clan (has to be at least 3 characters long)
  • locationId (Optional[int]) – A location ID
  • minMembers (Optional[int]) – The minimum member count of a clan
  • maxMembers (Optional[int]) – The maximum member count of a clan
  • minScore (Optional[int]) – The minimum trophy score of a clan
  • **limit (Optional[int] = None) – Limit the number of items returned in the response
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
search_tournaments(name: str, **params)[source]

Search for a tournament by its name

  • name (str) – The name of a tournament
  • **limit (Optional[int] = None) – Limit the number of items returned in the response
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout

Data Models

class clashroyale.official_api.models.BaseAttrDict(client, data, response, cached=False, ts=None)[source]

This class is the base class for all models, its a wrapper around the python-box which allows access to data via dot notation, in this case, API data will be accessed using this class. This class shouldnt normally be used by the user since its a base class for the actual models returned from the client.


Accessing data via dot notation:

This functionality allows this library to present API data in a clean dynamic way.


The raw data in the form of a dictionary being used


Whether or not the data being used is cached data from the cache database.


When the data which is currently being used was last updated.


Response object containing headers and more information. Returns None if cached

Type:requests.Response or aiohttp.ClientResponse or None
class clashroyale.official_api.models.Refreshable(client, data, response, cached=False, ts=None)[source]

Mixin class for re requesting data from the api for the specific model.


(a)sync refresh the data.

class clashroyale.official_api.models.PaginatedAttrDict(client, data, response, model, cached=False, ts=None)[source]

Mixin class to allow for the paginated endpoints to be iterable


Searching clans with a limit of 3:

This functionality allows this library to present API data in a clean dynamic way.

Best use case: Set the limit to as low as possible without compromising runtime. Everytime the limit has been hit, an API call is made.


Loops through and adds all data to the raw_data

This has a chance to get 429 RatelimitError


Adds the NEXT data in the raw_data dictionary. Returns True if data is added. Returns False if data is not added

class clashroyale.official_api.models.PartialClan(client, data, response, cached=False, ts=None)[source]

(a)sync function to return clan.

class clashroyale.official_api.models.PartialPlayer(client, data, response, cached=False, ts=None)[source]

(a)sync function to return player.

class clashroyale.official_api.models.PartialPlayerClan(client, data, response, cached=False, ts=None)[source]

Brief player model, does not contain full data, non refreshable.


(a)sync function to return clan.


(a)sync function to return player.

class clashroyale.official_api.models.Member(clan, data, response)[source]

A clan member model, keeps a reference to the clan object it came from.


(a)sync function to return player.

class clashroyale.official_api.models.FullPlayer(client, data, response, cached=False, ts=None)[source]

A clash royale player model.


(a)sync function to return clan.


(a)sync refresh the data.

class clashroyale.official_api.models.FullClan(client, data, response, cached=False, ts=None)[source]

A clash royale clan model, full data + refreshable.


(a)sync refresh the data.

class clashroyale.official_api.models.rlist(client, data, cached, ts, response)[source]

Append object to the end of the list.


Remove all items from list.


Return a shallow copy of the list.


Return number of occurrences of value.


Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.


Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Insert object before index.


Remove and return item at index (default last).

Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.


(a)sync refresh the data.


Remove first occurrence of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Reverse IN PLACE.


Stable sort IN PLACE.


class clashroyale.royaleapi.Client(token, session=None, is_async=False, **options)[source]

A client that requests data from royaleapi.com. This class can either be async or non async.

  • token (str) – The api authorization token to be used for requests https://docs.royaleapi.com/#/authentication
  • is_async (Optional[bool] = False) – Toggle for asynchronous/synchronous usage of the client
  • error_debug (Optional[bool] = False) – Toggle for every method to raise ServerError to test error handling
  • session (Optional[Session] = None) – The http (client)session to be used for requests. Can either be a requests.Session or aiohttp.ClientSession
  • timeout (Optional[int] = 10) – A timeout for requests to the API
  • url (Optional[str] = https://api.royaleapi.com) – A url to use instead of api.royaleapi.com Only use this if you know what you are doing
  • cache_fp (Optional[str]) – File path for the sqlite3 database to use for caching requests, if this parameter is provided, the client will use its caching system
  • cache_expires (Optional[int] = 10) – The number of seconds to wait before the client will request from the api for a specific route
  • table_name (Optional[str] = 'cache') – The table name to use for the cache database
  • camel_case (Optional[bool] = False) – Whether or not to access model data keys in snake_case or camelCase, this defaults use snake_case
  • user_agent (Optional[str] = None) – Appends to the default user-agent
classmethod Async(token, session=None, **options)[source]

Returns the client in async mode.


Get a list of tournaments that have at least 1000 max players

**open: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are open
**full: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are full
**inprep: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are in preperation
**joinable: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are joinable
**keys: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be included in the response
**exclude: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
**max: Optional[int] = None
Limit the number of items returned in the response
**page: Optional[int] = None
Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
**timeout: Optional[int] = None
Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_clan(*tags, **params)[source]

Get a clan information

  • *tags (str) – Valid clan tags. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • **keys (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be included in the response
  • **exclude (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_clan_battles(*tags, **params)[source]

Get the battle log from everyone in the clan

  • *tags (str) – Valid player tags. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • **type (str) – Filters what kind of battles. Pick from: :all:, :war:, :clanMate:
  • **keys (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be included in the response
  • **exclude (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
  • **max (Optional[int] = None) – Limit the number of items returned in the response
  • **page (Optional[int] = None) – Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_clan_history(*tags, **params)[source]

Get the clan history. Only works if the clan is being tracked by having either cr-api.com or royaleapi.com in the clan’s description

  • *tags (str) – Valid clan tags. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • **keys (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be included in the response
  • **exclude (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
  • **max (Optional[int] = None) – Limit the number of items returned in the response
  • **page (Optional[int] = None) – Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_clan_tracking(*tags, **params)[source]

Returns if the clan is currently being tracked by the API by having either cr-api.com or royaleapi.com in the clan description

  • *tags (str) – Valid clan tags. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • **keys (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be included in the response
  • **exclude (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_clan_war(tag: clashroyale.royaleapi.utils.crtag, **params)[source]

Get inforamtion about a clan’s current clan war

  • *tag (str) – A valid clan tag. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • **keys (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be included in the response
  • **exclude (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_clan_war_log(tag: clashroyale.royaleapi.utils.crtag, **params)[source]

Get a clan’s war log

  • *tags (str) – Valid clan tags. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • **keys (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be included in the response
  • **exclude (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
  • **max (Optional[int] = None) – Limit the number of items returned in the response
  • **page (Optional[int] = None) – Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout

Get the CR Constants

  • **keys (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be included in the response
  • **exclude (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout

Gets a list of endpoints available in RoyaleAPI


Get a list of tournaments that are full

**1k: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that have at least 1000 max players
**open: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are open
**inprep: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are in preperation
**joinable: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are joinable
**keys: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be included in the response
**exclude: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
**max: Optional[int] = None
Limit the number of items returned in the response
**page: Optional[int] = None
Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
**timeout: Optional[int] = None
Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout

Get a list of tournaments that are joinable

**1k: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that have at least 1000 max players
**open: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are open
**full: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are full
**inprep: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are in preperation
**keys: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be included in the response
**exclude: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
**max: Optional[int] = None
Limit the number of items returned in the response
**page: Optional[int] = None
Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
**timeout: Optional[int] = None
Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout

Get a list of queried tournaments

**keys: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be included in the response
**exclude: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
**max: Optional[int] = None
Limit the number of items returned in the response
**page: Optional[int] = None
Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
**timeout: Optional[int] = None
Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout

Get a list of open tournaments

**1k: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that have at least 1000 max players
**full: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are full
**inprep: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are in preperation
**joinable: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are joinable
**keys: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be included in the response
**exclude: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
**max: Optional[int] = None
Limit the number of items returned in the response
**page: Optional[int] = None
Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
**timeout: Optional[int] = None
Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_player(*tags, **params)[source]

Get a player information

  • *tags (str) – Valid player tags. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • **keys (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be included in the response
  • **exclude (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_player_battles(*tags, **params)[source]

Get a player’s battle log

  • *tags (str) – Valid player tags. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • **keys (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be included in the response
  • **exclude (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
  • **max (Optional[int] = None) – Limit the number of items returned in the response
  • **page (Optional[int] = None) – Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_player_chests(*tags, **params)[source]

Get information about a player’s chest cycle

  • *tags (str) – Valid player tags. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • **keys (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be included in the response
  • **exclude (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_player_verify(tag: clashroyale.royaleapi.utils.crtag, apikey: str, **params)[source]

Check the API Key of a player. This endpoint has been restricted to certain members of the community

  • tag (str) – A valid tournament tag. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • apikey (str) – The API Key in the player’s settings
  • **keys (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be included in the response
  • **exclude (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout

Get a list of most queried clans

**keys: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be included in the response
**exclude: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
**max: Optional[int] = None
Limit the number of items returned in the response
**page: Optional[int] = None
Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
**timeout: Optional[int] = None
Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout

Get a list of most queried decks

**keys: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be included in the response
**exclude: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
**max: Optional[int] = None
Limit the number of items returned in the response
**page: Optional[int] = None
Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
**timeout: Optional[int] = None
Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout

Get a list of most queried players

**keys: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be included in the response
**exclude: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
**max: Optional[int] = None
Limit the number of items returned in the response
**page: Optional[int] = None
Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
**timeout: Optional[int] = None
Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout

Get a list of most queried tournaments

**keys: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be included in the response
**exclude: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
**max: Optional[int] = None
Limit the number of items returned in the response
**page: Optional[int] = None
Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
**timeout: Optional[int] = None
Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout

Get a list of tournaments that are in preperation

**1k: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that have at least 1000 max players
**open: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are open
**full: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are full
**joinable: Optional[int] = 0
Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are joinable
**keys: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be included in the response
**exclude: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
**max: Optional[int] = None
Limit the number of items returned in the response
**page: Optional[int] = None
Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
**timeout: Optional[int] = None
Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_top_clans(country_key='all', **params)[source]

Get a list of top clans by trophy

location_id: Optional[str] = ‘’
A location ID or ‘’ (global) See https://github.com/RoyaleAPI/cr-api-data/blob/master/json/regions.json for a list of acceptable location IDs
**keys: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be included in the response
**exclude: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
**max: Optional[int] = None
Limit the number of items returned in the response
**page: Optional[int] = None
Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
**timeout: Optional[int] = None
Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_top_players(country_key='all', **params)[source]

Get a list of top players

location_id: Optional[str] = ‘’
A location ID or ‘’ (global) See https://github.com/RoyaleAPI/cr-api-data/blob/master/json/regions.json for a list of acceptable location IDs
**keys: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be included in the response
**exclude: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
**max: Optional[int] = None
Limit the number of items returned in the response
**page: Optional[int] = None
Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
**timeout: Optional[int] = None
Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_top_war_clans(country_key='all', **params)[source]

Get a list of top clans by war

location_id: Optional[str] = ‘’
A location ID or ‘’ (global) See https://github.com/RoyaleAPI/cr-api-data/blob/master/json/regions.json for a list of acceptable location IDs
**keys: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be included in the response
**exclude: Optional[list] = None
Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
**max: Optional[int] = None
Limit the number of items returned in the response
**page: Optional[int] = None
Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
**timeout: Optional[int] = None
Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout
get_tournament(tag: clashroyale.royaleapi.utils.crtag, **params)[source]

Get a tournament information

  • tag (str) – A valid tournament tag. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV
  • **keys (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be included in the response
  • **exclude (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout

Get a list of clans that are being tracked by having either cr-api.com or royaleapi.com in the description

  • **keys (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be included in the response
  • **exclude (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
  • **max (Optional[int] = None) – Limit the number of items returned in the response
  • **page (Optional[int] = None) – Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout

Gets the version of RoyaleAPI. Returns a string


Search for a clan. At least one of the filters must be present

  • name (Optional[str]) – The name of a clan
  • minMembers (Optional[int]) – The minimum member count of a clan
  • maxMembers (Optional[int]) – The maximum member count of a clan
  • score (Optional[int]) – The minimum trophy score of a clan
  • **keys (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be included in the response
  • **exclude (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
  • **max (Optional[int] = None) – Limit the number of items returned in the response
  • **page (Optional[int] = None) – Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout

Search for a tournament

  • name (str) – The name of the tournament
  • **keys (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be included in the response
  • **exclude (Optional[list] = None) – Filter which keys should be excluded from the response
  • **max (Optional[int] = None) – Limit the number of items returned in the response
  • **page (Optional[int] = None) – Works with max, the zero-based page of the items
  • **timeout (Optional[int] = None) – Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout

Data Models

class clashroyale.royaleapi.models.BaseAttrDict(client, data, response, cached=False, ts=None)[source]

This class is the base class for all models, its a wrapper around the python-box which allows access to data via dot notation, in this case, API data will be accessed using this class. This class shouldnt normally be used by the user since its a base class for the actual models returned from the client.


Accessing data via dot notation:

This functionality allows this library to present API data in a clean dynamic way.


The raw data in the form of a dictionary being used


Whether or not the data being used is cached data from the cache database.


When the data which is currently being used was last updated.


Response object containing headers and more information. Returns None if cached

Type:requests.Response or aiohttp.ClientResponse or None
class clashroyale.royaleapi.models.Refreshable(client, data, response, cached=False, ts=None)[source]

Mixin class for re requesting data from the api for the specific model.


(a)sync refresh the data.

class clashroyale.royaleapi.models.PartialTournament(client, data, response, cached=False, ts=None)[source]
class clashroyale.royaleapi.models.PartialClan(client, data, response, cached=False, ts=None)[source]

(a)sync function to return clan.

class clashroyale.royaleapi.models.PartialPlayer(client, data, response, cached=False, ts=None)[source]

(a)sync function to return player.

class clashroyale.royaleapi.models.PartialPlayerClan(client, data, response, cached=False, ts=None)[source]

Brief player model, does not contain full data, non refreshable.


(a)sync function to return clan.


(a)sync function to return player.

class clashroyale.royaleapi.models.Member(clan, data, response)[source]

A clan member model, keeps a reference to the clan object it came from.


(a)sync function to return player.

class clashroyale.royaleapi.models.FullPlayer(client, data, response, cached=False, ts=None)[source]

A clash royale player model.


(a)sync function to return clan.


(a)sync refresh the data.

class clashroyale.royaleapi.models.FullClan(client, data, response, cached=False, ts=None)[source]

A clash royale clan model, full data + refreshable.


(a)sync refresh the data.

class clashroyale.royaleapi.models.rlist(client, data, cached, ts, response)[source]

Append object to the end of the list.


Remove all items from list.


Return a shallow copy of the list.


Return number of occurrences of value.


Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.


Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Insert object before index.


Remove and return item at index (default last).

Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.


(a)sync refresh the data.


Remove first occurrence of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Reverse IN PLACE.


Stable sort IN PLACE.


The following exceptions are thrown by the library.

exception clashroyale.RequestError[source]

Base class for all errors

exception clashroyale.StatusError(resp, data)[source]

Base class for all errors except NotResponding and RatelimitDetectedError

exception clashroyale.NotResponding[source]

Raised if the API request timed out

exception clashroyale.NetworkError[source]

Raised if there is an issue with the network (i.e. aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError or requests.ConnectionError)

exception clashroyale.BadRequest(resp, data)[source]

Raised when status code 400 is returned. Typically when at least one search parameter was not provided

exception clashroyale.NotFoundError(resp, data)[source]

Raised if the player/clan is not found

exception clashroyale.ServerError(resp, data)[source]

Raised if the api service is having issues

exception clashroyale.Unauthorized(resp, data)[source]

Raised if you passed an invalid token.

exception clashroyale.NotTrackedError(resp, data)[source]

Raised if the requested clan is not tracked (RoyaleAPI)

exception clashroyale.RatelimitError(resp, data)[source]

Raised if ratelimit is hit

exception clashroyale.UnexpectedError(resp, data)[source]

Raised if the error was not caught

exception clashroyale.RatelimitErrorDetected(retry_when)[source]

Raised when a ratelimit error is detected