Source code for clashroyale.royaleapi.client

import asyncio
import logging
import json
from datetime import datetime
from time import time
from urllib.parse import urlencode

import aiohttp
import requests

from ..errors import (NotFoundError, NotResponding, NetworkError, ServerError, Unauthorized, NotTrackedError,
                      UnexpectedError, RatelimitError, RatelimitErrorDetected)
from .models import (BaseAttrDict, Refreshable, PartialTournament, PartialClan,
                     PartialPlayerClan, FullPlayer, FullClan, rlist)
from .utils import API, SqliteDict, clansearch, crtag, keys, tournamentfilter, typecasted

from_timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Client: """A client that requests data from This class can either be async or non async. Parameters ---------- token: str The api authorization token to be used for requests is_async: Optional[bool] = False Toggle for asynchronous/synchronous usage of the client error_debug: Optional[bool] = False Toggle for every method to raise ServerError to test error handling session: Optional[Session] = None The http (client)session to be used for requests. Can either be a requests.Session or aiohttp.ClientSession timeout: Optional[int] = 10 A timeout for requests to the API url: Optional[str] = A url to use instead of Only use this if you know what you are doing cache_fp: Optional[str] File path for the sqlite3 database to use for caching requests, if this parameter is provided, the client will use its caching system cache_expires: Optional[int] = 10 The number of seconds to wait before the client will request from the api for a specific route table_name: Optional[str] = 'cache' The table name to use for the cache database camel_case: Optional[bool] = False Whether or not to access model data keys in snake_case or camelCase, this defaults use snake_case user_agent: Optional[str] = None Appends to the default user-agent """ REQUEST_LOG = '{method} {url} has received {text}, has returned {status}' def __init__(self, token, session=None, is_async=False, **options): self.token = token self.is_async = is_async self.error_debug = options.get('error_debug', False) self.timeout = options.get('timeout', 10) self.api = API(options.get('url', '')) self.session = session or (aiohttp.ClientSession() if is_async else requests.Session()) self.camel_case = options.get('camel_case', False) self.headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(token), 'User-Agent': 'python-clashroyale-client (fourjr/kyb3r) ' + options.get('user_agent', '') } self.cache_fp = options.get('cache_fp') self.using_cache = bool(self.cache_fp) self.cache_reset = options.get('cache_expires', 300) self.ratelimit = [10, 10, 0] if self.using_cache: table = options.get('table_name', 'cache') self.cache = SqliteDict(self.cache_fp, table) def _resolve_cache(self, url, **params): bucket = url + (('?' + urlencode(params)) if params else '') cached_data = self.cache.get(bucket) if not cached_data: return None last_updated = from_timestamp(cached_data['c_timestamp']) if (datetime.utcnow() - last_updated).total_seconds() < self.cache_reset: ret = (cached_data['data'], True, last_updated, None) if self.is_async: return self._wrap_coro(ret) return ret return None
[docs] @classmethod def Async(cls, token, session=None, **options): """Returns the client in async mode.""" return cls(token, session=session, is_async=True, **options)
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() async def __aenter__(self): return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() def __repr__(self): return '<RoyaleAPI Client async={}>'.format(self.is_async) def close(self): return self.session.close() def _raise_for_status(self, resp, text, *, method=None): try: data = json.loads(text) except json.JSONDecodeError: data = text code = getattr(resp, 'status', None) or getattr(resp, 'status_code') log.debug(self.REQUEST_LOG.format(method=method or resp.request_info.method, url=resp.url, text=text, status=code)) if self.error_debug: raise ServerError(resp, data) if 300 > code >= 200: # Request was successful if self.using_cache: cached_data = { 'c_timestamp': datetime.utcnow().timestamp(), 'data': data } self.cache[str(resp.url)] = cached_data if resp.headers.get('x-ratelimit-limit'): self.ratelimit = [ int(resp.headers['x-ratelimit-limit']), int(resp.headers['x-ratelimit-remaining']), int(resp.headers.get('x-ratelimit-reset', 0)) ] return data, False, datetime.utcnow(), resp # value, cached, last_updated, response if code == 401: # Unauthorized request - Invalid token raise Unauthorized(resp, data) if code in (400, 404): # Tag not found raise NotFoundError(resp, data) if code == 417: raise NotTrackedError(resp, data) if code == 429: raise RatelimitError(resp, data) if code >= 500: # Something wrong with the api servers :( raise ServerError(resp, data) raise UnexpectedError(resp, data) async def _arequest(self, url, **params): timeout = params.pop('timeout', None) or self.timeout try: async with self.session.get(url, timeout=timeout, headers=self.headers, params=params) as resp: return self._raise_for_status(resp, await resp.text()) except asyncio.TimeoutError: raise NotResponding except aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError: raise NetworkError async def _wrap_coro(self, arg): return arg def _request(self, url, refresh=False, **params): if self.using_cache and refresh is False: # refresh=True forces a request instead of using cache cache = self._resolve_cache(url, **params) if cache is not None: return cache if self.ratelimit[1] == 0 and time() < self.ratelimit[2] / 1000: if not url.endswith('/auth/stats'): raise RatelimitErrorDetected(self.ratelimit[2] / 1000 - time()) if self.is_async: # return a coroutine return self._arequest(url, **params) timeout = params.pop('timeout', None) or self.timeout try: with self.session.get(url, timeout=timeout, headers=self.headers, params=params) as resp: return self._raise_for_status(resp, resp.text, method='GET') except requests.Timeout: raise NotResponding except requests.ConnectionError: raise NetworkError def _convert_model(self, data, cached, ts, model, resp): if model is None and isinstance(data, list): model = BaseAttrDict else: model = Refreshable if isinstance(data, str): return data # version endpoint, not feasable to add refresh functionality. if isinstance(data, list): # extra functionality if all(isinstance(x, str) for x in data): # endpoints endpoint return rlist(self, data, cached, ts, resp) # extra functionality return [model(self, d, resp, cached=cached, ts=ts) for d in data] else: return model(self, data, resp, cached=cached, ts=ts) async def _aget_model(self, url, model=None, **params): try: data, cached, ts, resp = await self._request(url, **params) except Exception as e: if self.using_cache: cache = self._resolve_cache(url, **params) if cache is not None: data, cached, ts = cache if 'data' not in locals(): raise e return self._convert_model(data, cached, ts, model, resp) def _get_model(self, url, model=None, **params): if self.is_async: # return a coroutine return self._aget_model(url, model, **params) # Otherwise, do everything synchronously. try: data, cached, ts, resp = self._request(url, **params) except Exception as e: if self.using_cache: cache = self._resolve_cache(url, **params) if cache is not None: data, cached, ts = cache if 'data' not in locals(): raise e return self._convert_model(data, cached, ts, model, resp)
[docs] def get_version(self): """Gets the version of RoyaleAPI. Returns a string""" return self._get_model(self.api.VERSION)
[docs] def get_endpoints(self): """Gets a list of endpoints available in RoyaleAPI""" return self._get_model(self.api.ENDPOINTS)
[docs] @typecasted def get_constants(self, **params: keys): """Get the CR Constants Parameters ---------- \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.CONSTANTS return self._get_model(url, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_player(self, *tags: crtag, **params: keys): """Get a player information Parameters ---------- \*tags: str Valid player tags. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.PLAYER + '/' + ','.join(tags) return self._get_model(url, FullPlayer, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_player_verify(self, tag: crtag, apikey: str, **params: keys): """Check the API Key of a player. This endpoint has been **restricted** to certain members of the community Parameters ---------- tag: str A valid tournament tag. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV apikey: str The API Key in the player's settings \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.PLAYER + '/' + tag + '/verify' params.update({'token': apikey}) return self._get_model(url, FullPlayer, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_player_battles(self, *tags: crtag, **params: keys): """Get a player's battle log Parameters ---------- \*tags: str Valid player tags. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*max: Optional[int] = None Limit the number of items returned in the response \*\*page: Optional[int] = None Works with max, the zero-based page of the items \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.PLAYER + '/' + ','.join(tags) + '/battles' return self._get_model(url, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_player_chests(self, *tags: crtag, **params: keys): """Get information about a player's chest cycle Parameters ---------- \*tags: str Valid player tags. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.PLAYER + '/' + ','.join(tags) + '/chests' return self._get_model(url, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_clan(self, *tags: crtag, **params: keys): """Get a clan information Parameters ---------- \*tags: str Valid clan tags. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.CLAN + '/' + ','.join(tags) return self._get_model(url, FullClan, **params)
[docs] @typecasted # Validate clan search parameters. def search_clans(self, **params: clansearch): """Search for a clan. At least one of the filters must be present Parameters ---------- name: Optional[str] The name of a clan minMembers: Optional[int] The minimum member count of a clan maxMembers: Optional[int] The maximum member count of a clan score: Optional[int] The minimum trophy score of a clan \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*max: Optional[int] = None Limit the number of items returned in the response \*\*page: Optional[int] = None Works with max, the zero-based page of the items \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.CLAN + '/search' return self._get_model(url, PartialClan, **params)
[docs] def get_tracking_clans(self, **params: keys): """Get a list of clans that are being tracked by having either or in the description Parameters ---------- \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*max: Optional[int] = None Limit the number of items returned in the response \*\*page: Optional[int] = None Works with max, the zero-based page of the items \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.CLAN + '/tracking' return self._get_model(url, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_clan_tracking(self, *tags: crtag, **params: keys): """Returns if the clan is currently being tracked by the API by having either or in the clan description Parameters ---------- \*tags: str Valid clan tags. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.CLAN + '/' + ','.join(tags) + '/tracking' return self._get_model(url, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_clan_battles(self, *tags: crtag, **params: keys): """Get the battle log from everyone in the clan Parameters ---------- \*tags: str Valid player tags. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV \*\*type: str Filters what kind of battles. Pick from: :all:, :war:, :clanMate: \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*max: Optional[int] = None Limit the number of items returned in the response \*\*page: Optional[int] = None Works with max, the zero-based page of the items \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.CLAN + '/' + ','.join(tags) + '/battles' return self._get_model(url, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_clan_history(self, *tags: crtag, **params: keys): """Get the clan history. Only works if the clan is being tracked by having either or in the clan's description Parameters ---------- \*tags: str Valid clan tags. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*max: Optional[int] = None Limit the number of items returned in the response \*\*page: Optional[int] = None Works with max, the zero-based page of the items \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.CLAN + '/' + ','.join(tags) + '/history' return self._get_model(url, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_clan_war(self, tag: crtag, **params: keys): """Get inforamtion about a clan's current clan war Parameters ---------- *tag: str A valid clan tag. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.CLAN + '/' + tag + '/war' return self._get_model(url, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_clan_war_log(self, tag: crtag, **params: keys): """Get a clan's war log Parameters ---------- \*tags: str Valid clan tags. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*max: Optional[int] = None Limit the number of items returned in the response \*\*page: Optional[int] = None Works with max, the zero-based page of the items \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.CLAN + '/' + tag + '/warlog' return self._get_model(url, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_tournament(self, tag: crtag, **params: keys): """Get a tournament information Parameters ---------- tag: str A valid tournament tag. Minimum length: 3 Valid characters: 0289PYLQGRJCUV \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.TOURNAMENT + '/' + tag return self._get_model(url, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def search_tournaments(self, **params: keys): """Search for a tournament Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the tournament \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*max: Optional[int] = None Limit the number of items returned in the response \*\*page: Optional[int] = None Works with max, the zero-based page of the items \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.TOURNAMENT + '/search' return self._get_model(url, PartialClan, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_top_clans(self, country_key='all', **params: keys): """Get a list of top clans by trophy location_id: Optional[str] = '' A location ID or '' (global) See for a list of acceptable location IDs \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*max: Optional[int] = None Limit the number of items returned in the response \*\*page: Optional[int] = None Works with max, the zero-based page of the items \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.TOP + '/clans/' + str(country_key) return self._get_model(url, PartialClan, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_top_war_clans(self, country_key='all', **params: keys): """Get a list of top clans by war location_id: Optional[str] = '' A location ID or '' (global) See for a list of acceptable location IDs \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*max: Optional[int] = None Limit the number of items returned in the response \*\*page: Optional[int] = None Works with max, the zero-based page of the items \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.TOP + '/war/' + str(country_key) return self._get_model(url, PartialClan, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_top_players(self, country_key='all', **params: keys): """Get a list of top players location_id: Optional[str] = '' A location ID or '' (global) See for a list of acceptable location IDs \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*max: Optional[int] = None Limit the number of items returned in the response \*\*page: Optional[int] = None Works with max, the zero-based page of the items \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.TOP + '/players/' + str(country_key) return self._get_model(url, PartialPlayerClan, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_known_tournaments(self, **params: tournamentfilter): """Get a list of queried tournaments \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*max: Optional[int] = None Limit the number of items returned in the response \*\*page: Optional[int] = None Works with max, the zero-based page of the items \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.TOURNAMENT + '/known' return self._get_model(url, PartialTournament, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_open_tournaments(self, **params: tournamentfilter): """Get a list of open tournaments \*\*1k: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that have at least 1000 max players \*\*full: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are full \*\*inprep: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are in preperation \*\*joinable: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are joinable \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*max: Optional[int] = None Limit the number of items returned in the response \*\*page: Optional[int] = None Works with max, the zero-based page of the items \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.TOURNAMENT + '/open' return self._get_model(url, PartialTournament, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_1k_tournaments(self, **params: tournamentfilter): """Get a list of tournaments that have at least 1000 max players \*\*open: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are open \*\*full: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are full \*\*inprep: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are in preperation \*\*joinable: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are joinable \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*max: Optional[int] = None Limit the number of items returned in the response \*\*page: Optional[int] = None Works with max, the zero-based page of the items \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.TOURNAMENT + '/1k' return self._get_model(url, PartialTournament, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_prep_tournaments(self, **params: tournamentfilter): """Get a list of tournaments that are in preperation \*\*1k: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that have at least 1000 max players \*\*open: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are open \*\*full: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are full \*\*joinable: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are joinable \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*max: Optional[int] = None Limit the number of items returned in the response \*\*page: Optional[int] = None Works with max, the zero-based page of the items \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.TOURNAMENT + '/inprep' return self._get_model(url, PartialTournament, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_joinable_tournaments(self, **params: tournamentfilter): """Get a list of tournaments that are joinable \*\*1k: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that have at least 1000 max players \*\*open: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are open \*\*full: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are full \*\*inprep: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are in preperation \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*max: Optional[int] = None Limit the number of items returned in the response \*\*page: Optional[int] = None Works with max, the zero-based page of the items \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.TOURNAMENT + '/joinable' return self._get_model(url, PartialTournament, **params)
[docs] @typecasted def get_full_tournaments(self, **params: tournamentfilter): """Get a list of tournaments that are full \*\*1k: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that have at least 1000 max players \*\*open: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are open \*\*inprep: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are in preperation \*\*joinable: Optional[int] = 0 Set to 1 to filter tournaments that are joinable \*\*keys: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be included in the response \*\*exclude: Optional[list] = None Filter which keys should be excluded from the response \*\*max: Optional[int] = None Limit the number of items returned in the response \*\*page: Optional[int] = None Works with max, the zero-based page of the items \*\*timeout: Optional[int] = None Custom timeout that overwrites Client.timeout """ url = self.api.TOURNAMENT + '/full' return self._get_model(url, PartialTournament, **params)