Source code for clashroyale.errors

__all__ = [
    'RequestError', 'StatusError', 'NotResponding', 'NetworkError',
    'BadRequest', 'NotFoundError', 'ServerError', 'Unauthorized',
    'NotTrackedError', 'RatelimitError', 'UnexpectedError',

[docs]class RequestError(Exception): """Base class for all errors""" pass
[docs]class StatusError(RequestError): """Base class for all errors except NotResponding and RatelimitDetectedError""" def __init__(self, resp, data): self.response = resp self.code = getattr(resp, 'status', None) or getattr(resp, 'status_code') self.method = getattr(resp, 'method', None) self.reason = resp.reason if isinstance(data, dict): self.error = data.get('error') if 'message' in data: self.error = data.get('message') else: self.error = data self.fmt = '{0.reason} ({0.code}): {0.error}'.format(self) super().__init__(self.fmt)
[docs]class NotResponding(RequestError): """Raised if the API request timed out""" def __init__(self): self.code = 504 self.error = 'API request timed out, please be patient.' super().__init__(self.error)
[docs]class NetworkError(RequestError): """Raised if there is an issue with the network (i.e. aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError or requests.ConnectionError) """ def __init__(self): self.code = 503 self.error = 'Network down.' super().__init__(self.error)
[docs]class BadRequest(StatusError): """Raised when status code 400 is returned. Typically when at least one search parameter was not provided """ pass
[docs]class NotFoundError(StatusError): """Raised if the player/clan is not found""" pass
[docs]class ServerError(StatusError): """Raised if the api service is having issues""" pass
[docs]class Unauthorized(StatusError): """Raised if you passed an invalid token.""" pass
[docs]class NotTrackedError(StatusError): """Raised if the requested clan is not tracked (RoyaleAPI)""" pass
[docs]class RatelimitError(StatusError): """Raised if ratelimit is hit""" pass
[docs]class UnexpectedError(StatusError): """Raised if the error was not caught""" pass
[docs]class RatelimitErrorDetected(RequestError): """Raised when a ratelimit error is detected""" def __init__(self, retry_when): self.code = 429 self.retry_when = retry_when self.reason = self.error = 'Too many requests detected, retry in ' + str(self.retry_when) self.fmt = '{0.reason} ({0.code}): {0.error}'.format(self) super().__init__(self.fmt)